Shoreline Community College needed a website that reflected their updated brand and core values. I worked with the web team at Shoreline to expand their new print-based guidelines into a practical system of web-friendly design patterns and atomic components, with a focus on accessibility and readability.

Visual, Brand


Shoreline's homepage hovering above a green background

Shoreline’s new brand guidelines included only a few details about color and typography, leaving plenty of room for interpretation.

Print Typography Guidelines

They needed a system that could support the wide variety of different page and content types across their site.

Using the existing brand guidelines a starting point, I established a more capable system of text styles for use on the web.

New web-based typography system

Text Styles

New web-based typography system

Brand color

New web-based typography system

Type system in use

With some well-defined common styles, components, and templates, the small web team at Shoreline could begin to replace those aging pages, working toward a more consistent, maintainable, and accessible website.

New web-based typography system

Assorted components begin to set the tone

Continuing to scale upward from the rebuilt typography guidelines and component systems, a series of responsive page templates were designed to support a wide variety of content types, from higher level marketing pages for prospective students, to more information-dense administrative pages for existing students and staff.

New web-based typography system

Designing from the start as an atomic system of repeatable styles, components, and templates allowed a very small team to efficiently build a large website with hundreds of differerent page types, and has made it possible for Shoreline’s small web team to continue iterating and refining the site.

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